6/29/2006 |
Did you know! |
Conversation between Alex, Gabby and myself of the way home today.
Gabby: Who got me this? (waving around a sparkly Cinderella Barbie) Me: Aunt Dina I believe. Gabby: Like Santa? Me: Well it was for Christmas Gabby: Santa rides raindeer. Me: *turning into a yes-ing bobble head* Yes dear Gabby: And Santa rides girls Me: Alex did you hear that? Alex: No what? Me: Santa rides raindeers AND girls Gabby: Girls and Boys
Yes you heard it here first. I think some one should alert the media about that old man.
posted by Tc @ 7:33 PM   |
oh my god, that's too effing funny.
santa's a perv!!!
rofl, I love her. Give her big hugs from me =)
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oh my god, that's too effing funny.
santa's a perv!!!