9/29/2006 |
Kids say the damnedest things |
I'm afraid. Gabby, she's getting to be just like me. Mouth and all.
Earlier this week We had the windows in the house open and I was talking to Mom and Gabby through one of them (they were outside I was in). I mentioned I was going to go check the mail and Gabby pipes up
Gabby: No you aren't. Me: Oh yes I am Gabby: No! Me: Yes, watch me!
At this point I closed the curtains on her and started to walk to the front door. I didn't get very far before I heard
Gabby: *big loud disappointed sigh* My Mommy's crazy.
So needless to say when I got back from checking the mail I had to tickle her to show her just how crazy I am.
Also last weekend my words were used against me.
We were walking around a craft fair in Rockwall and it started to down pour, as we were walking back to the car Alex said to me something like
Alex: Be careful or you are going to fall
To which Gabby responded
Gabby: She's ok with that.
I do happen to use that response a lot, especially when talking to Alex. He on occasion mentions an out come to something that I already accounted for and I tell him I'm ok with that. I guess I used it a bit much if she thinks falling into a huge puddle of road water with on coming traffic would be ok with me.
That's about it for now, I've got some posts that I'm thinking about that both require a little work from me, but I'll have them up soon and hopefully I will be able to share Gabby's costume and some pictures with you Monday!!
Have a safe and happy weekend! |
posted by Tc @ 10:22 AM   |
Hey girl, Just wanted to tell you that I LOVE your new layout!! And those pics of Gabby are sooo sweet!!
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Hey girl,
Just wanted to tell you that I LOVE your new layout!! And those pics of Gabby are sooo sweet!!