6/05/2007 |
Ok |
So I've been sitting on this since Friday.
June 29th is my last official day here. I will be paid as normal until the end of July at that point I can get my severance (9 weeks baby)(not bad for almost 4 years with them)
I have 30 hours worth of sick time that I'm going to break up into 3 days off this month since I don't get paid for my sick days. At least one of the day's I'm sick *cough* I will be taking Gabby to Hawaiian Falls, anyone care to join?? Maybe another *cough cough* to a museum or aquarium. So what sick days are good for y'all I would like to see some of my friend some time :)
So that's that.
Now I have a wonderful world of opportunity before me.
Do I venture West and follow suite? (only kinda kidding, kinda) (Goodness if I do how far West?)
Do I look for some thing in the same line of work? (oh god kill me now)
Do I try for some thing totally different? (who me chicken shit... naaaaaaawww)
Do I find a job that pays the bills plus some and then move West?
What am I a cowboy? What's with all this West stuff?
With any luck I will be able to join the Sinking Ship my Mom is on an pull a nice pay check from there for a bit while I figure it all out! |
posted by Tc @ 11:56 AM   |
I am so sorry tc. *hugs* I wish you all the luck in the world. I say go for something new but what do I know :) If you need anything just call or email me
I heard from Erik yesterday about what happened. I couldn't believe it. You should have seen my face. But I do have faith that everything will work out. Everything happens for a reason. Ok, so I'm sounding cliche. But it's the truth. You know I'm here if you ever need me. Hope I'll get to see you on Saturday. That way we can talk and you can vent. Love you girl *big hug*.
I will say it since no one else has:
You and Alex are still technically married which means he has rights to Gabby and "if" he decided to be an ass and make this difficult for you, if you leave the state and there isn't a custody order in place giving you custody, he can say you kidnapped her. Yes, she is your child too but the law sucks like that. So if you decide to leave the state, hire a lawyer and get custody handed to you.
With that being said: A job is good but you being happy is even better. Life is too short for regrets and Texas has never really made you happy. You are a cold weather baby so finding cold weather may work best for you. *hint, hint, nudge, nudge* =D
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I am so sorry tc. *hugs* I wish you all the luck in the world. I say go for something new but what do I know :) If you need anything just call or email me