4/07/2008 |
yeah yeah |
I know bad Tc. Neglecting the blog.
But come on!
I don't have a computer at my apt, can't use the one at work to update. What is a girl to do?
I don't have much to report.
I'm miss everyone and and am terribly lonely with out all my friends you know like living in my living room or something. :)
Stacy your hair is super cute!
Manda, my work e-mail must not have liked your work e-mail. :(
Dina, get better!
April, I will get the bush to you one day.... before it dies on my patio *sigh*
Hi Jenny! How have you been?
I love y'all and I'm alive :) |
posted by Tc @ 9:16 PM   |
Glad to hear that you're ok! Let's plan to do something soon! But after I finish school. Which is the first week of May. I know..seems like forever. But these classes are kicking my ass. I actually just finished writing a 19 page paper for Microbiology. Talk about a pure and utter hell!..lol.
I'm alive and doing okay. Glad you are alive and doing okay. ;)
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Glad to hear that you're ok! Let's plan to do something soon! But after I finish school. Which is the first week of May. I know..seems like forever. But these classes are kicking my ass. I actually just finished writing a 19 page paper for Microbiology. Talk about a pure and utter hell!..lol.