Anne Boleyn Originally uploaded by Elizabeth I.
Welcome to another installment of "How stupid could she be?" Did you know I was a senior in high school when I first saw her name written down? Right up until that moment I thought her name was Annbalynn one word, not Anne Boleyn two words. Seriously think about it. Do you ever just call her Anne, Henry's wife? Or do you say Anne Boleyn? Then do you say BOleyn or BAHleyn? We call her daughter just Elizabeth, made sense to me.
Did you also know I had no idea what she may have looked like until I looked her up this week and started reading The Other Boleyn Girl (link to the left). For the longest time I wanted to name my daughter Annbalynn and call her Anne for short (I still hope to do this) I mention this because I think it's odd that in my mind I always saw this child has having dark hair and blue eyes, and that was my rule for naming my child. I did not know the real Anne had Dark Hair, it just seemed fitting to me. Not a blond or a red head (like my other favorite Anne).But the more I think about it the more willing I am to give up on this requirement if I ever find my self having another girl (so not preggers!!). But this is all besides the point I think. I guess the real reason I'm writing is to ask. What do you know of the woman who fought so hard to be Queen? Was she supposed to be pretty? Was she really a bitch? Or would we, as women today, rally around her for being strong and doing what she believes is best for her and her family? (While still shaking our heads and talking amongst ourselves about how she drove out the man's lawful wife) Is she what we would want for our selves as a female president? Do you think you would like her? I know almost nothing about the woman and I myself feel ... protective for a lack of a better word. I feel as if she should have been treated better. You know one of those gut feeling things. Sorry for talking nonsense but eh we all have those thoughts that lead no where but drive you crazy anyway. Labels: Annbalynn, Anne Boleyn, nonsense |
I am a little shocked that you don't know much about the one person you talked about more than anything (except maybe hockey =P). If you want the dirty dish on her, I recommend you read the following book. It was a page turner!
The Life and Death of Anne Boleyn by Eric Ives