Gabby Originally uploaded by One Perfect Something.
I took my last antibiotic pill last night for my strep and you know what. My damned throat still hurts and has a nice lump in it. I called the Dr. for something else (hopefully generic so it's only $4 and not $25+). I'm still waiting for a call back.
Yesterday Gabby puked in the morning and Alex stayed home with her.
Today Gabby woke up with a fever that was visible (her cheeks looked like they had WAY tooooooo much blush) and now that the Motrin has kicked in, she's fine. And I? Am missing my 3rd day of work this year. And under the new deal they have I'm capped at 7 sick days.
Gaaaaaaahhhhh!! Some one just kill me please.
Someone tell me some happy news please. |