4/13/2007 |
Debt is not for everyone |
Debt Consolidation Lowdown: Blogging Out of Debt is an online debt resource where you can find honest information and links about debt and how to manage it. They cover topics such as Credit Cards, Debt Management, Student Loans, Laws and Regulations, as well as keeping you apprised of Your Rights and giving Helpful Tips.
Most of the information is straight forward and easy to understand if not a little impartial. And there are some articles like 12 Reasons Home Ownership is for Suckers. While this article gives you some very good and viable information about the truths of home ownership and the un-expected costs and issues that come with it, it also gives the impression of being talked down to.
I would say that with today’s seemingly never ending debt this is an overall good website to use to find help and start getting your life debt free.
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 Labels: payperpost.com |
posted by Tc @ 9:43 AM   |