I've had chronic blackheads all over my face since I was 14. I am now 23, and being Finally blackhead free i can say that diet and hygiene is EVERYTHING. If you're someone who is suffering from serious chronic blackheads and have been on many oral medications to get rid of them (like me, who has been on accutane twice and minocycline twice), and even currently on birthcontrol and the blackheads still come back, I would say a weak Liver function has much to do with it. Stuffing you're body with serious, dangerous medications is actually weakening your liver, causing your body difficulty to flush toxins. (Due to my history, my body was most likely very toxic). As a result these toxins will mix in with your sebum causing a sticky production that leads to blackheads. I finally put my foot down and decided to take a more natural route to curing my blackhead problem when my dermatologist suggested to even go on a third round of minocycline to get rid of them. LIVER DETOX to promote a healthy liver function. I bought a 30 day Liver kit for this one. Eating healthy and drinking tons of water with this detox is a MUST. I drink up to 15 glasses of water a day (i know crazy right, but people with acne should actually be drinking 10-15 glasses of water a day). On top of this, TAKE CARE OF YOUR SKIN HYGIENE! After washing your face with a gentle cleanser, in the morning i put FINACEA (a Rocasea cream but also get rids of blackheads through skin renewal) and Retina A galaxal base 0.01% at night (very low percentage because my skin is highly sensitive). Has completely transformed my skin. DAIRY-FREE!! so important due to hormone triggers. I've been on this routine for a month now and I am blackhead free without no JUNKEY oral medication. Organic and healthy is the way to go :) For more information, i suggest to you this blog : Blackhead extractor
Your flowers are very beautiful this season!!!!