11/07/2007 |
Yeah Yeah Part Two is coming... |
But I'm kinda excited about this bit O' News I have to share with you guys.
Guess who just enrolled for school?
Yep I did and guess who else?
Mom did too (truthfully she was first).
So I'm hoping the grant/student loan stuff happens pretty quick since they have me with a start date of 11/19.
Ok honestly show of hands who thought I would ever willingly go back to school? Notice my hand is not up? ;)
Right now I'm set up for a business degree, which BORING, but since I don't know what I want to be when I grow up and this first year is all just basic classes I'm ok with that.
So I'm enrolled at the University of Phoenix for online classes, soooo.... can some one tell me what to be when I grow up please? |
posted by Tc @ 11:05 AM   |
I come from the only family in the world that does not know how to keep secrets!
*sings in her best Adam Sandler voice*
"I'm going back to school. Going back to school. Gonna show my daddy that I ain't no fool."
:D I am so excited for you. As for the future, psssshhhh, I have a hard enough time ACTING grown up let alone making grown up decisions. You are on your own for a major. :P
Yay! Congratulations girlie! I'm so HAPPY for you! I CANNOT believe you didn't tell me when you called on my b-day!
As for your major..I look at you and I definitely see business. I know you probably don't want to hear that..but truthfully..if you're not looking into going into the health field..then I truly think that getting your business degree is an awesome step.
There's just so much out there girl..you just have to find what YOU think you'd be interested in.
Hope I helped some..and again..CONGRATS!!
YAY!!! TC I am soooo happy for you I think thats freaking fantastic :) I think you would be good in business..besides it is finacially smart. You will always have a good somewhere. Good job and good luck to you
This is my first time visiting your blog. I really enjoy it! Congrats on going back to school! :)
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I come from the only family in the world that does not know how to keep secrets!