11/06/2009 |
Did you know I update this all the time |
And you just don't know it?
You see I have this internal dialog thing going on allllllll the freaking time and most of the time I'm "updating" this blog. So that when I finally do get a chance to sit down and update well I can't think of anything because I already told you everything. Only you know... I didn't.
So lets update in age order
I am still looking for a job however I do have some prospects. And I'm getting a little worried that when it's time to go back I won't want to. I love getting to be with Anne and watching her grow, and go to the gym during off peak times. I love that I get to make dinner at a reasonable hour.
Is not dead. I haven't killed him. He too is still looking for work.
Is doing wonderfull in the First Grade. it's amazing how quick she is. Her handwritting is getting better daily and this kid can read (granted not so much when she isn't paying attention) they have leveled books and she's reading level 5 now. I am so proud of her!
Ok this kid loves to EAT. She will eat anything but jar baby food. And dear god DO NOT eat or drink anthing where she can see you unless you are prepared to share. She crawls now, but I was right. She started crawling AFTER she started walking the couch. She mimics sounds when she feels like it. And don't let her fool you. She knows how to say Dada and Mama but only when she freaking wants to. Da or Dada come out when she wants to play with him and you will only hear Ma or Mama when she is screaming bloody murder because *gasp* I put her down or walked out of the room and she didn't want me to. She still doesn't laugh much and mostly only for her sister.
So there. You are mostly up to speed :) |
posted by Tc @ 10:16 AM   |