8/28/2006 |
My Daughter the Poligamist from *Arkansas |
Or so she seems to be on the track of becoming. To date I have been informed she is going to marry
1.) Spiderman (the love of her life) 2.) Fonzy (her cousin) 3.) Angel (her other cousin) 4.) Marco (her uncle) 5.) Superman 5.) Her Daddy ("you can marry some one else") 6.) Dennis's new boyfriend Jarred (gay be damned (also did I get the spelling right?)) (sooo cute!)
(did you get the Arkansas snark? Not to imply the people who live there in-breed or anything)
While playing with her toys yesterday she decided she wanted The love of her life to ride a pony. So with the help of a ponytail holder he did. Ride 'em Cowboy!!
posted by Tc @ 3:23 PM   |
"Ride 'em Cowboy"??
LMAO>... I'll never look at Spiderman the same way again. *rofl*
OMG That is the funniest thing ever! I miss her =(
(Oh and he spells it Jarrid and is definitly a cutie) =P
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"Ride 'em Cowboy"??
LMAO>... I'll never look at Spiderman the same way again. *rofl*