8/16/2006 |
To Be, Not To Be or To Be-Not To Be AKA the Name Game |
So here's the thing. I'm in a perdicklement (spelled that way on purpose). For the last 25 years and almost 4 months I have been Teresa Marx (no relation to Karl, the brothers or the singer). Coming up pretty quick I have the opportunity to change my name and assume the identity of Teresa Davila. Which to me, really doesn't flow. But wait there is a third choice the dreaded Hyphen. Teresa Marx-Davila (just a little help the a in Davila sounds like ahh and it's a short i like eh so it's Dahhvehla not Duhvilla).
Did you or would you take a last name if it just didn't work? Would you or did you *gasp* hyphenate? What's your opinion?
Oh and a little help here please? I'm thinking about cutting my hair a bout mid neck. Think I can pull it off? |
posted by Tc @ 3:16 PM   |
Hyphenate if you are not sure. If you change your mind you can always change your legal name later.
I think your hair would be cute mid neck.
Dear TC -
I found that it is certainly easier all around if you have the same last name as your child - so the dreded hyphen would probably be an alternative. Usually people hyphenate their names to keep their fathers (maiden)name - this is usually true if the father did not have any sons to carry on the family name. Don't know if this is still true........ Thanks again for remembering my Birthday - only 4 years to go until I'm 70 - now that sounds OLD!!
I think your hair would look super cute if you had it cut. As for the name..I agree with the last comment. It is a TON easier to have the same last time. Believe me, Gavin and I both have different last names and it's a pain in my ass!!!!!
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Hyphenate if you are not sure. If you change your mind you can always change your legal name later.
I think your hair would be cute mid neck.