10/11/2006 |
Kill me. Just. Kill me. I'm done. |
I can't bitch to the school so I will bitch to you. Play along if you will. If you won't just wait a few days hopefully we'll be off this merry go round.
Shortly after my last post I got this lovely Gem. Count how many ways she spells Gabby.
From: Owner Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2006 1:29 PM To: Marx, Teresa Subject: RE: Gabby (<-- note the spelling. That's me.)
I am sorry that you are frustrated to figure out Gaby's tuition. Gaby was here Aug. Sep. and Oct. You paid $660+$50 totaling $710 for tuition and lunch. You paid four checks for month of Sep. each $165 totaling $660 which covered the tuition and You still owed us $50 for lunch. For Oct. you also paid four checks for $165 which totaling $660 still we are missing $50 for Oct's lunch. In Aug. according to our policy that you must have a copy of it we have $90 Non-refundable supply fee which has not been paid at the time and still part of your balance. Two times lunch money for Sep. and Oct. ads up to $100 plus $90 supp. Fee comes up to $190. You might want to have a third person to look at this and explain it to you because I really don't know how it could confuse or frustrate you. It seems that you understood the Month of Aug. very well that if you paid weekly you would end up paying five checks for $165 For five weeks in Aug. which would total to $825. Therefore you paid monthly because $710 (660+50) was much less than $825 (165x5). This shows how smart you are with calculation. I will place a coy of the policy as well as your ledger sheet in Gabi's cubby today. I do not recall nor Mrs. Teacher that we ever responded to you that there is nothing Good about Gaby. Maybe that is the impression that you got from suggestions that we were making. You need to except that sometimes hearing constructive suggestions regarding our child ,from people that care, is better than Harmful compliments from schools that important matter to them is keeping parents happy as long as they are pocketing Their money. I believe if it meant anything to you, I proved my good intention to Gabby when I agreed that you pay weekly, regardless To our policy that requires monthly tuition. As I told your husband, it was just because I was seeing improvement in Gaby and I did not want you to have to change her school at that point. You could make any decision regarding her schooling and we wish you the best of luck but as you see our policy requires completion of the month regardless If you collect your deposit or not. I will also appreciate to receive a check for balance $190 by tomorrow. Thanks
I went and pulled all of our canceled checks. And concurcure. We owe $90 supply fee. It must have been picked up by Alex in August on accident when he went to go write one big check for that months tuition. I'm sorry this was an over sight on both our parts.
But our math is still not matching. Pull out your calculators. Feel free to double check my math.
Without lunch monthly tuition is $660
660 x 12 = 7920 7920 / 52 = 152.31 (rounded to the nearest penny)
Monthly tuition for lunch is $50
50 x 12 = 600 600 / 52 = 11.54 (rounded to the nearest penny)
152.31 + 11.54 = 163.85 weekly rate
163.85 x 52 = 8520.20 8520.20 / 12 = 710 monthly
I'm still just not doing the same math. I'm paying $165 a week.
I don't feel I owe her the lunch money.
Please note I am behaving and not commenting on the out right bitchy and uncalled for math comment. Nope not going there. Not today. Not like I don't deal with math all freaking day long. Moving on.
I understand and welcome constructive criticismsism. She is my first and I allow that I have no idea of the perfect way to raise her. But I did ask was there anything good Gabby was doing and Mrs Teacher may not have understood me since there does seem to be a slight language barrier, but her answer was no, then went back to telling what Gabby does to disruptrupt the class. That sure as hell rubbed me the wrong way. However I did take some of the advice given and put it into effect at home.
I still maintain that as far as my child goes I am GOD. She goes where I want and when I want and how I want. The only way that power can be taken is if I am doing something to harm my child or she becomes an adult. And I am not and never will, and she is a long way from that. |
posted by Tc @ 5:12 PM   |
I almost get the feeling she's been her based on how every time she wrote Gabby's name it was diffrent.
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I almost get the feeling she's been her based on how every time she wrote Gabby's name it was diffrent.