We had her 4yr well child today.
43 inches (3'6(ish)) - 99th percentile (shit kid!) 45 lbs - 95th percentile
The Dr. thinks she will end up about 5'8!
5'8 can you imagine????!?!!?!
I'm pushing for the 5'4 I claim and she is going to be almost 1/2 foot taller than me!!
The crazy thing about her height is in 6 months she would have only been in the 75th percentile!
Dr. said he was worried about her weight until he saw how tall she is. So just to watch and be careful. Sounds like we have more walks to the park to make and more bike riding to do!! Thank goodness the weather is getting nicer!
I tell you what if she ends up with a figure like either her Aunt Jessica or her Tia Mari this kid will have it made!
She also had her last 3 shots until she is 14!
And the Dr. told her that she doesn't have bugs or worms in her brain. So hopefully that one will die.
Oh hey are any of you good with the health and why and how the body works things? I've noticed Gabby is getting pretty interested in these kind of things. Asking a lot of question, I'm not 100% sure how to answer or explain. Like how would you explain blood flow to your kid? Why your veins look blue but your blood is red ( I know the real answer about oxygen she just wasn't grasping that one)? Or digestion with the absorption of vitamins and what ever else.Labels: Dr, Gabby, shots, tall, Update, Well Child |
I don't know how to really answer the questions from her because I haven't had to deal with that yet but the website below has games and information for kids to help them learn about their body. I hope it helps a little.