DID YOU HEAR THAT? DID YOU FEEL THAT? THAT HUGE SIGH OF RELIEF? I'm sorry if it startled you. But it was much deserved.
You know what I did?
I got Gabby just exactly what she wanted for Christmas (god just don't ask how much I spent). I am the bestest Santa EVER!!!!!!
See last season when you went down the Pink aisle all you saw was Barbie Magic of Pegasus crap. I looked and I thought really really hard about getting just about everything for Gabby. And I didn't.
And now this year, it's all about the 12 Dancing Princess's. You know what she wants more than anything? What she specifically asks for first (not saying much since she only asks for 2 things) by name. That she is 100% obsessed with?
"Barbie Magical Flying Pegasus, with wings"
And after being outbid (cause the *&*%%$^&#* at Mattel don't have this shit for sale anymore) more times then I care to admit I up and did a buy now thing. Sure I spend double my max bid (with shipping) on any of them, but I not only got the exact Pegasus but I got Annika (Barbie) and Prince Aidan with Shiver. So I got all 3 for just about what I would have spent at the store last year.
I hope she has a wonderful Christmas and she darn well better play with these dolls till she's 30.
I think we are pretty much done shopping for her she's getting (also the fun thing is that most of the stuff (excluding IKEA) was bought on sale and the linked prices are more)
Art Easel & paper roll from Ikea LINKReal Cooking set from Ikea LINKChutes and Ladders Scooby Doo 2 (the live action for some strange reason she's all about the Scoob) Some Batman Cartoon movie Fashion Barbie Barbie in the Kitchen LINK comes with Barbie as well Barbie and Baby LINK comes with Barbie and baby Fairy Barbie (not exact color?) LINK1st Charm Bracelet with Ballet Charm Brietta the Pegasus See below Annika/Barbie See below Prince Aiden See Below Princess and the Pea Doll Beauty and the Beast Doll (I think I got this awhile ago) Big Girl Bike (she really wants a Little Mermaid one but we'll see) (this would be the other thing she asks for by name.) Brietta the Pegasus
 Prince Aiden and Shiver

And I think we are done shopping for the boys!
What are you getting that is going to make you the bestest Santa ever in your family??
Also, I hope you had a good Thanksgiving!!
p.s. uhhhh... if you are family looking at this going well shit now what do I get her? I have some really really easy answers. Anything Spiderman, Batman, Power Rangers. She doesn't have any chalk or paint for her easel. Ummm... Disney Movie's like Cars, Lady and the Tramp, The Little Mermaid or Barbie movies (not Magical Pegasus or Swan Lake), she loves horses (normal as well as unicorns and pegasus)Labels: Christmas, Gabby, Hero Syndrome |
awwww, You are the bestest mommy ever! Wanna get me exactly what I want for Christmas too? Ask Manda-Panda because she knows what it is and you don't even have to gift wrap it. Just a bow. A red bow.
The presents of all presents that is going to make me kick butt this year.... I got Vic the complete Alton Brown cooking series on dvd (his favorite Food Network chef) and I got Katy that Fisher Price zebra looking horse thing that she can sit on and bounce up and down and twirl all around. We played with it at the store the other day and she laughed the whole time and then got mad at me when we couldn't bring it home. So I went back and bought it. $30 bucks and she is a happy child. I have a feeling she won't be this cheap forever.....