5/31/2006 |
Tomorrows the BIG day! |
We close on our home tomorrow!!!
I was going to post something about how my back is acting up and being a brat but I don't feel like writing a mock poem right now.
Manda's letting me borrow her camera so hopefully Tuesday I should have some pictures to show you or maybe monday if I fee oh so inclined to make a trip to Wally World and just pull my pics off her camera.
Wish us luck!! |
posted by Tc @ 4:25 PM   |
Brought to you by the letter C |
All these changes happening to my friends, I know are for the ABSOLUTE BEST. But I still can't help hating the letter C. I lay all the blame on that evil letter. Especially. States that start with that letter. Excecpt Carolina and Connecticut. Yep I'm a bit tiffed at Aliforina and Olorado.
*sigh* I just don't like seeing people go. And being so far away. I know that those states are a BIG key to their future happiness, and I love them for that but I hate them for stealing.
Dina I'm going to miss you! I hope you come back and visit often and I hope your departure date comes quickly for you and drags on for me.
Manda you already know I'm going to miss you and that I refuse to even talk about it. But I know how very awesome it will be for you!!
I think I'm going to pull a childish act right now.
NO! I don't wanna! |
posted by Tc @ 1:49 PM   |