1/16/2008 |
I'm just not feeling it |
I am out of it this week. All I really want to do is pull the covers over my head and sleep until things are different.
I tried to explain to Gabby that Mommy just has a case of the Blahs today.
Gabby: But what are the blahs?
Me: Ummm... It's where you just don't feel that great.... you just feel Blah.
Gabby: What is Blah?
Me: Well you kinda feel blue and you don't want to do anything.
Gabby: You don't look blue. I know, you want to play with my balloon with my and *mimes hitting* hit it like this.
Me: No! I don't think I could stand the sound of that balloon right now.
Gabby: Your head hurts?
Me: Something like that.
Gabby: I know. You want to play cards
Me: No I feel Blah, I don't want to do anything.
Which truthfully that conversation kinda made me feel better. I love my kid I swear I do. And today I'm not just saying that so I don't kill her.
Also in Gabby's world there was a happy ending we ended up going upstairs and playing Candy Land for like the Billionth time today.
Some one give me some good news, I've got Matchbox 20 on the View tomorrow morning but after that I don't have much to look forward too. |
posted by Tc @ 9:06 PM   |
As Quickly stolen from Manda |
Presenting my new band and their debut album;
List of Statutory Rules of Norther Ireland, 2001 Presents Grow Out Of It The rules of this game are simple
posted by Tc @ 9:06 AM   |
1/15/2008 |
There we go... |
This should be easier on the eyes. :)
Since we last spoke I've had some crazy dreams.
The first one, let me just say this is kinda weird, for some of the dream myself and the other people were people and for some of it we were My Little Ponies. Don't ask I don't' know. So I think I'm at a bar or something and I run into Johnny Depp (la swooon), and we start talking. I'm nonplussed by the fact that he is an actor as a matter of fact it barely comes up. We end up having one of those deep meaningful conversations that are equally shared and blah blah blah heartfelt and the kind of crud we females always seem to be after. So apparently we keep talking and drinking and I wake up with a red Kabbalah type string on my left hand, apparently we got married at some point. Me being me or a pony I'm not sure, just didn't believe we were married or that it would stick. So I went about my business and happened to meet Vince Vaughn driving an 18 wheeler and had an affair, or tried to, I think or we just talked I'm a little fuzzy on the details. And I told Johnny about it for some strange reason. And he scolded me and told me how hurt he was that we had only been married for such a short time and I was already treating him shoddily. And I mentioned that I can't believe we are even married to start with! That he is/was still with his girlfriend when I met him, and what about his children? How I soooo didn't' want to be a home wrecker and that I thought when he woke up this morning and saw what he had done he would be quickly getting out of it. And he's like yeah I've been with her for a long time and I should have done better than this by her but after our conversation last night I knew that I loved you. Blah Blah Blah I swam out of the BS by waking up. That was a strange dream but at the same time, Hey I was married to the hottest man alive, even if we couldn't decide if we were humans or cartoon ponies.
And last night, I had a dream that I went to bed with my hair wet and the color it is now and when I woke up in the morning I was platinum blonde again. And people kept asking me when I colored it and they didn't believe me that it was a miracle.
I think this is pretty easy to interpret. I need to be blonde again.
Lets see what else has happened.
Sunday was Willie's 3rd Birthday and we had a little party for complete with human/dog compatible food. It was super cute.
 And yesterday Gabby and I made our first 100% from scratch Apple Pie. It wasn't has hard as I thought it would be but it was far more time consuming. So, that's it for now :)
What have you been up to?
posted by Tc @ 4:58 PM   |