You're The Sound and the Fury!
by William Faulkner
Strong-willed but deeply confused, you are trying to come to grips with a major crisis in your life. You can see many different perspectives on the issue, but you're mostly overwhelmed with despair at what you've lost. People often have a hard time understanding you, but they have some vague sense that you must be brilliant anyway. Ultimately, you signify nothing.
Take the Book Quiz at the Blue Pyramid.
Seriously go read that last sentence again! I just about fell out of my chair that was so funny!

You're Washington!
Though you were named after some ancient and revered relative, you've taken off on your own course and are making a new name for yourself. Water dominates your life, surrounding you on many sides and usually from above. Though you say you love rain, it's really that you've forgotten that there are other types of weather to hold an opinion on. You have an amazingly eclectic interest in walls, spokes, yaks, seats, and even the Olympics. It'll all come out in the wash.
Take the State Quiz at the Blue Pyramid.
Too funny

You're a Raccoon!
Devious and cunning, you like to hide behind masks and strike when others least expect it. You maintain a carefully-crafted facade of being cute, charming, and even lovable, but truly have moments of trickery and viciousness. When finding no one to attack, but still finding yourself needing to fulfill such primal urges, you will often attack bags of trash. Parts of you make a popular motif for a hat.
Take the Animal Quiz at the Blue Pyramid.
They are soooo cute! (seriously Manda how did you get an Iguana?)
You know I just realized that the 1st passed without even a thought. Funny. |