When I was pregnant with Gabby it was obvious that all she wanted most in the world when I was pregnant with her was to kill me. What with the never letting me keep anything down including slowly melted ice cubes in the mouth.
Well this little killer is going about things differently. This one is trying to scare me to death. Let me give you a quick back story.
Thursday: Sonogram and got RX for Macrobid for UTI
Friday Night: Started RX waited since it says may cause drowsiness and I have to drive during the day.
Friday Night 5 Hrs Later: Extreme fatigue itchy ear and throat never ending runny nose. Stupid allergies I think. Alex I know it's like midnight but we need to go get some Benadryl you know since we are already out. (we saw Hellboy 2. Eh. The monsters were good)
Saturday: Sick. Awake for maybe 4hrs total. Long enough to force down food to take RX. Crying when awake.
Sunday: Weak as a baby. Still feel sick.
Monday: Miss work. Live in bed. Still over tired and sick. Only eat to take RX
Tuesday: Little better. Go back to work
Wednesday: Itchy hive outbreak 30 min after RX dose. Pop Benadryl call DR. Take 2nd dose of Benadryl about 1, call DR again at 2, throat swollen tongue swollen lips feel swollen itchy. Benadryl not cutting it. Leave work go to Dr get new RX start that night.
Today: Feel HUMAN! WOOOT. Except. Bloody TP. Bright red slightly (TMI) clumpy. OMG PANIC. Call Dina for a talk me out of panic since she has also been through two pregnancies and she is like my guru, even if she doesn't know it. Panic anyway when calling DR. Decide I can't drive myself what with the crying and the shaking and the panic. Call Mom to drive me. Go to Dr for 2nd time in two days. No active bleeding. Heart beat good. Get another sonogram. OMG look at that little hand. Baby clapped. Baby moving. *Breath* No idea what bled and why. *May* have a little of the placenta over laying the uterus. So just advised of pelvic rest, and since the baby looks good and I am not cramping all should be ok. So I am back at work and trying to keep calm.
I would trade in a heart beat being sick all over again for this constant fear that this baby is causing.
Also for those wishing for a boy there still is not photographic evidence but it FEELS more and more like a boy everyday. Even Gabby has taken to saying him and brother. I think of it as a boy now too. But still we have 6 weeks to go before we can tell.
Well I am going to start working now and try not to worry (HA).
April I seriously hope your pregnancy is un-eventful and good.
Look at me with two posts this week!
Home now and putting up latest alien sonogram pics :)