12/02/2005 |
Much Better |
Thank you Manda for fixing my graphic!! This looks sooooooooooooo much better!!
Ok the poll is up for next month's Pretend Celebrity Boyfriend, the theme is Pretty Boy and the contestants are Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp, I was going to put Orlando Bloom in there with the stipulation that under no circumstances was he EVER to take his shirt off again, but then I decided no, I'll save him for later maybe a LTR themed one. So anyway you can vote as often as you wish as many times as you wish.
Hey for all you know I'm your Secret Santa, go read the poem below and then tell me what you want!! Pretty Please!! |
posted by Tc @ 8:47 AM   |
12/01/2005 |
Tada! |
Merry early Christmas, only 24 shopping days left!
So if you look off to the right you will see we ended up with a tie for last months PCB (pretend Celebrity Boyfriend) Contest.
Ode to my Secret Santa (Panta haha Manda remember?) Recipient.
My dear friend what should I do? I'm at a loss what to get you. I could get you this something. Or I could not. Would you please just whisper what it is you want. It's ok to be greedy It's what I want So tell me Tell me Tell me now What it is you want!
Y'all will never believe what Gabby told me last night. She got in trouble for pulling the dog by his tail so I swated at her bottom and sent her to her room. When I went in to tell her what she did wrong and why she was in trouble, she told me (in the midst of crying like I'm killing her mind you) "Get out *sob* of my *sob* room Mommy!" While trying very hard to remain mad and not laugh I reminded her NEVER to talk to me like that again.
Yep. She's all piss an vinegar at age three. But she is the most loving child at the same time.
As of last night just to give Alex hell for the fun of it I taught Gabby something new. Snuggle up with daddy, give him a hug and a kiss and tell him you want a sister or brother. You should see his reaction, it's funny! |
posted by Tc @ 10:45 AM   |
11/28/2005 |
Ok. Who's bright idea was it |
To give me a girly-girl? Don't get me wrong Gabby is perfect the way she is don't want to change her yaddayaddayadda. But seriously. I didn't get into the whole kinda sorta girly girl thing until I was in HS. And already Gabby has a shoe fetish, hates getting her hands and feet dirty, wants manicures and pedicures, primps, wants make-up, argues about what she's going to wear. And now. Ballet. Since we watched the tail end of the Nutcraker that is all we have seen and heard. During the performance she ran to her closet fished out her tutu and ballet shoes (that are waaaaaaaaay to small) and insisted on wearing them. All night.
Gabby and I like to dance on Saturday evenings to KSCS's Classic Country nights (it's our thing, when she feels generous she let's Alex dance too), but last Saturday, she would have no part of it. "No, Mommy, Ball-ina music!" "Ballerina Music? Ummm... come on lets go look I may have some" "Yaaay! Thank you Mommy!!" So I found a Beethoven CD and it has been playing almost non-stop since then. We looked through a ballet book, she practiced spinning, dancing and jumping. Seriously. She also informed me that she needs blue ballet shoes. Why I don't know, her dress is pink. Sunday afternoon she woke up from her nap when the power went out, why you may ask or how would she know that since it was still daylight out, well I tell you it is because her CD stopped playing. Me I'm in the bathroom wondering what the hell just happened and she's whiney cry-ie just woke up incoherent-ish telling me her music is gone. So now I'm wondering about dance/ballet lessons for her. Is it to early? Would it be seen as pushing her? Would she even have fun?
Oh yeah, and, Thanksgiving was great, all went well. |
posted by Tc @ 3:06 PM   |