5/09/2005 |
HELP!! |
I know it seems like everyone out there is just looking for a way to take your hard earned money, and yes until the 13th I AM ONE OF THEM!! Only I will get nothing monetary out of it. All I get is the satisfaction that with the help that this money brings, one day no one will have to suffer through cancer. No one else will lose a piece of them selves.
We got a really shitty phone call on Mothers Day. My own mom calls me trying very hard not to cry over the phone while she tells me that my Aunt her SISTER is in the hospital in Iowa (of all places) with a blood clot in her lung, and her throat so swollen that she can't swallow anything. It just doesn't seem right. Aunt Debbie just got married and at a time when she should be getting over the honeymoon mode and hopefully into a mommy roll she's battling cancer. Her plans of starting a family are indefinitely on hold. Her cancer spread from her lungs to her lymphnodes. She is no longer just doing chemo, she is going through DAILY radiation AND chemo treatments that are making her sick and miserable. The blood clot is a side effect to the radiation. The doctors are optimistic about her condition, and have managed to bring the swelling down.
So I'm asking for help. Please help make it so no one else needs to go through this hell. I'm asking for a one time tax deductible donation. You can write a check give cash (e-mail me or call me if that is what you want to do) or you can go HERE and donate online with plastic. I'm not asking for much, just what you can spare. Be it .50 or a million dollars. Just please help fight this disease. |
posted by Tc @ 3:58 PM   |
Now Taking Applications |
A positive male figure in mine and my daughters life. One who will not be quick to yell and or spank a two year old. One who will take the time to explain why she can't do something and distract her from what she shouldn't be doing. One who is willing to work and help earn their keep, even if they don't like the job. One who understands that it hurts if you buy your self cigarettes on my birthday, and doesn't think of getting at least a card. One who won't make empty promises or hint that they are doing something special for Mothers Day, then do nothing. Some one who will love me even when I'm being stubborn, or lets face it bitchy. One who I can love back.
Yeah. With the exception of lunch and a movie (dear god do not go see Kingdom of Heaven I was left going WTF!! Through most of it, its very choppy not very well edited) Mothers Day sucked.
I made breakfast as usual, I wasn't too worried about that since it was implied that something special would be happening in the afternoon/evening. We (all 3 of us) went to lunch with my mom, then Alex took Gabby to see his mom while we did the movie (again don't waste your money). I got home at about 4:30. At 7:30 I called to see if it planned on coming home. It sounded rather put out that I called. It said it would be home when it was done shopping with it's mother. It was intent on getting a belt and some shorts for it's self. It would be home shortly. I called again at 8:30 since logic would tell you that its not only SUNDAY but it's MOTHERS DAY the type of store they are going to would not have been open. It was just up the street and would be home shortly. It doesn't understand why I am hurt and pissed that I had to make my own dinner and eat it ALONE. It just doesn't get that it's not just this Mothers Day that it has been ALL of them since I got pregnant. That it had a chance to redeem the wrongness that was done to me on my birthday. (I was not expecting a present. But if he had the money to buy him self cigarettes he could have bought me a card. And I would like to know the magical source of this money.)
I just have no faith that he would do anything nice for me or mine. Wait. I just have no faith in him. It has just been nothing but let down after let down. And I my self am tired. I no longer wish to make any sort of effort. You know what he's getting for his birthday and father's day? A brand spanking new apartment that he doesn't have to pay shit for. Plus the obligatory parties that I must throw for him. And the cards and gifts that I WILL get for him. (Wow that sounds petty even to me.)
Some one out there please please answer my ad.
So yeah. I hope all the other Mom's out there had a better Mothers Day. |
posted by Tc @ 3:54 PM   |