6/09/2006 |
6/9/06 |
Happy 2nd Birthday Gavin!!
We can't wait to see you Saturday!! |
posted by Tc @ 2:58 PM   |
6/06/2006 |
Beware the Stupid Fat Illiterate Women |
In Texas, or more specificity at Hawaiian Falls. (warning some adult language below)
Alex took Gabby and I there for the first time last Saturday and as a whole it's pretty cool and for the most part people are pretty normal.
I mean there are some really fun looking rides/slides (would they be rides?) and this really cool kids area with mini water slide and the whole ten yards. And there is a sign. And from memory the sign went something like this:
Pretty self explanatory right? And for the most part the Adults seemed to have seen and read the sign or at least used their better judgment. Granted there were punk ass kids way to old to be there but that's just punk assed teens and seems to be expected.
So first thing after finding some bare grass to claim was to let Gabby go play there. And she had a blast no problems! We bribe her away by promising more fun and search out the mini lazy river and go ride that for a bit. Then Gabby starts begging so we take her back to kid land. No problem this kid can handle her own pretty well for 3. She'll make the big kids notice her. So I'm watching the kids water slide waiting for her to come down. And much to my surprise her comes this woman who looked to be my age or more. About my height and my weight. So I'm watching this COW of a woman just stand there. Looking around. Not fucking (yeah sorry no editing on this one. It deserves a good solid F-bomb) moving. And much to my horror here comes Gabby. She's little so she's really flying. BANG right in to the Fat Cows legs. And the fucking bitch falls on her. She's lucky she got off my baby before I made it over. Some one please tell me why they don't have more employee's watching this part of the park? And why a grown woman would think it smart to just be standing there?
I'm just greatfull she wasn't hurt too bad and that nothing was broken.
So parents beware. |
posted by Tc @ 5:03 PM   |
Time? Time? Who's got the time? |
Oh and happy evil Tuesday.
Lets start with old news that I should have updated sooner.
Aunt Debbie went in to have the lower lobe of her (I believe) right lung removed on the 1st. She's doing well and as of yesterday she is no longer in ICU. As far as I know we are still waiting to hear what all the opsies have to say about the cancer.
But she's doing! :)
Jess Graduated on the 1st as well. And can I say only in the boonies of Texas will parents, yes parents, bring air horns to a graduation. But she did it she graduated a Texas Honor at that! I'll have pics up soon. :)
We finally closed on the house yesterday! So starting some time this week I need to start going out to the other house to clean. Plus I still have packing to do. Gah! I'm a stress ball!! But I'm a home owner!! EEEEEEEK!!
posted by Tc @ 4:40 PM   |
6/05/2006 |
Amen |
posted by Tc @ 3:15 PM   |
Q&A |
Q. Did you close on your home Thursday? A. No
Q. Oh, Friday? A. No
Q. Shite what happened? A. Stupid broker and STUPID lender did not get our closing docs to the title company 48hrs in advance like the INSTRUCTIONS told them too. So we didn't close Thursday. Then they failed to get the Docs to the title company Thursday for the exception they were going to make for us so we could close on Friday. Dumasas. The Docs finaly got there LATE Friday so we are supposed to close today at 1pm.
Oh wait. We may not close today either. The HUD is wrong.
I'll keep y'all updated. |
posted by Tc @ 10:26 AM   |