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    Babies and What in the WORLD
    First I want to welcome Miss Rhinoa to the world outside her mommie's tummy. And I can't wait for her Aunt April to get some pictures to share, and for her to come home so the rest of us can visit! Rhinoa was born about 3mo early so we are waiting for her to reach the 5lb mark so she can get a reprive from the Hospital.

    WHAT IN THE WORLD?? Who hid my real mom? Just to give you a little background. It could be 120 degree's outside with the humidity making it feel like oh.....18523555987 degree's out. And mom will have the fan on and the windows and doors open and may even be currled up on the couch with a blanket, while the rest of us are sweating buckets praying for the AC to be turned on. This weekendI'm having to stay over in the boonies to watch Kimo (my grandma's dog) and my sister while my mom and grandma go to Detroit to watch a Leafs and Redwings game (yes there is still a lockout, its former players). Well can I tell you it is FREEZING in this house!! I swear I woke up this morning and there was frost on the carpet. And its even colder outside and Kimo wanted to take an 3hr tour of the neighborhood.

    But tonight. Jess and I (once Gabby is asleep) get to play that silly PS2 game where she can run around as a nekked drawf man and I get to run around as a nekked elf chick. Rock on. It was some fun to play the last time she came over to my apt. with the PS2.
    posted by Tc @ 7:36 AM   2 comments
    Why don't they love us?
    I mean we bring in the money. And yet we are getting moved around like an unwanted orphan of a red-headed step child. (For those of you not following this post is work related) Last January we moved out of a dive of an office into a brand new suite four floors up from our processing center. Kick but. We rocked. Its just big enough for the sales team to grow into. And then (dramatic music) they shoved the set up department into our suite. And kids may I just say there went the quiet neighborhood. All of the sudden there is no room for us. So today. We move again. Across town again. To a suite, we have to share with people who are not even a part of our company. We think they may belong to the parent company though. Things are not going to be pretty. Files will have to be shipped to the new office and we will have to pray that the couriers don't hit traffic so that our files can be back by the 3pm cut off. The break room is on their side of the office.
    But on the up side. I will have a kick butt cube with a window!! Rock on! When I get them devolped I will post some pics of my old vs new cube.

    Did I mention they were shutting my fax machine off at two. Does this mean I get to go home early?
    posted by Tc @ 9:10 AM   0 comments
    DandG D. and Gabby

    family D., Mom and Gabby

    school From L to R Tevor, Megan and Gabby. (Megan was having a shadow (oh) day)
    posted by Tc @ 8:27 AM   0 comments
    Heros and sleepiness
    I am soooo beyond sleepy right now. I feel like a shadow (oh) person myself.

    Can I just say that I am so proud of my Aunt D *names shortned to protect the innocent, really untill I get permission to use the real names*. She has managed to face something huge and ... well beyond scary face on. And I just want her to know that I think she is someone very strong and brave to be doing what she is. Gabby and I (oh all right, as well as the rest of the family) are very lucky to have her around.

    *Hugs* and I want you to know we are all with you!!

    On a lighter note. Thank you Manda for the lyrics to Somebody Told Me by the Killers. But you know what, even though I am staring at the written words and it does indeed seem to imply that the chores is in fact:

    "Well somebody told me
    You had a boyfriend
    Who looks like a girlfriend
    That I had in February of last year"
    But I just can't get past the fact that I really want it to be what I have been singing and what it sounds like to me:
    "Well somebody told me
    You had a boyfriend
    Who looks like a girlfriend
    But that I had a bad view"
    Go on. Next time it plays, sing it my way. It works.

    posted by Tc @ 2:06 PM   1 comments
    Shadow People and Hitler-ette
    Thank you Burden Brothers. Thank you oh so much for the new(ish) song you have on the radio. I smile every time this song plays 'cause I know how it ends! Ahem: (best singing voice)

    "I am the shadow. Oh. I am the shadow. Oh. I am the shadow. Oh."
    Really. Did we have to work hard at this one?? :) ahhh, but I love it.

    As for the afore mentioned shadow people. I think Gabby is just a shadow person right now. I left her at daycare sitting at a table. I think she was awake. Her eyes were open. I just don't think she had checked in yet. Have I told you how cute Megan and Gabby are together?? Megan is sooooo excited every time she sees "Abby!" Screaming for joy. Happy Happy. She was pointing out that Gabby had on new shoes. They grow so fast!! Event the teacher was like did she say new shoes??? *HUGS* I just want to take them both home.


    On a side note. I am not the female Hitler incarnate. But if people would just stop fighting so hard to go backwards or staying stagnate instead of moving forward with life, I wouldn't seem like it.

    But then again. *shrug* I just may be.

    posted by Tc @ 8:42 AM   1 comments
    Penny for your thoughts and other such nonsense
    You know, I could be rich if people would make me the penny offer. But then again when I'm done talking they may charge me for the time they will never get back.


    What per say is so cat like when women are being "catty"? We don't hiss. And unless they are freaky, the hair on our back doesn't stand up on end, come to think of it I don't have any hair to speak of on my back. We don't have retractable claws. Really. I think. Cats just ignore everything when they are being "catty".

    I know that the following are questions I have put to people but never received any good answers.

    1) Who is Josh? Was he a clown? Is that how we got the term "I'm just Joshing you"?
    2) Why do men's and women's shirts button on the opposite sides?
    3) If you are from another country and you live here and speak English, what language do they think in?

    Can I go home now?

    OH OH OH!!! Gabby has learned to say bless you when someone sneezes!! She treated me with that last night!!
    posted by Tc @ 4:00 PM   2 comments
    Welcome Miss Dina! May we both have luck keeping up with this.
    posted by Tc @ 2:25 PM   0 comments
    Be like Manda
    I want to be like Manda!! So I'm starting my own blog. (Really it was Erik that pushed me over the edge.)

    I'm Tc, mother of One Perfect Someone. A Serious Edgewater Junkie and Matchbox Twentyaholic.

    And Work? Well that just got under my skin. Stupid corporate people. They swore upside down to us that if we got the paperwork (otherwise known as computer work) back to them I would get paid my bonus type stuff. And now. They say nope, you worked it but you are not getting paid. They suck. I stuck the big boss on them.

    Well I need to go get that One Perfect Someone from daycare.


    posted by Tc @ 5:27 PM   0 comments
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    Name: Tc
    Home: DFW, Texas, United States
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