Lets see first we painted. Then we saw the new Pirates Movie (much better than the crap I had been hearing about it). Then Mom, Gabby, Kathy and I all got Plastered. Only not the kind that comes from drinking.
See, we are painting the stacked. (Formal living (aka Library) and Dining) The Library is a very lovely Moose Wood color. Kinda a dark Green/Olive/Brownish color.
And the Formal Dining is going to be more of a Tuscan/Bistro retreat. We are re-doing the walls in a Venetian Plaster instead of just painting it. We also added some "brick" accents to help the impression along. Don't be fooled by the pictures below. The room is NOT done yet. We have another layer of plaster and some glaze/staining left to do.
And at some point Gabby decided she wanted to take pictures! So we did! Below are some of our pictures.
Just a quick run down of the other movies we also saw this weekend
Pan's Labyrinth - OMG good Movie! Warning what they don't tell you is that it's not in English, well worth the read!
So what did you do?