Chuck Chuck Bo Buck Bananafanna fo Fuck me my mo Muck, CHUCK
Yeah no not really. See I know this sweet little girl that could use a name. Let me see if I can paint you an appropriate picture. She has dark eyes black hair with some white spots, she's awfully hairy and she has 4 legs and a tail.
What? Words not working for you? well here you go I have some pictures from the breeder :)
She's a Newfoundland. She's going to be HUGE! But in all seriousness we need help naming her. I'm moving Thursday and we will either claim her Friday night or Saturday, so I should be able to give you an insight to her personallity then. (from what the breeder has been saying she's a bit on the babied princess side, but we'll see)
I'm not sure if the comments section has been fixed or if you click on it and it's all black still, but if that is the case you can highlight the text and read it that way, sorry for the issues.
ok so they were really on a plane (that looks like a boat)
The beast no longer be brown
More primer on Alex then the walls
awww he's so cute when he tries to be white
At this point Manda took her camera back. (cause, dude I'd had it for 2 weeks and her vacation pics were still trapped) And the next day the room was no longer white.
It looks like this (kinda) We went with a lighter green for the wall's it's Behrs Rejuvenate
Thank you Dina for e-mailing pictures of Elizabeth!!! :) She's my new back ground.
Welcome Baby Elizabeth!! Pseudo Aunt Tc can't wait to see you hug you and kiss you!! Gabby can't wait to meet you either you have been a HUGE topic for her lately!