2/24/2005 |
I have no title |
Sorry that I'm not being very creative right now. I'm doing much better. I can breath pretty normal as long as the type/temp of the air I'm breathing doesn't change. If it does, I'm in for a huge coughing fit. *shrug* But what can be done? No huge updates. I have decided that Gabby and her best little friend Megan are beyond cute and have their own language. This morning we were looking for where her temporary morning class was and as we went by the one Megan was in (her mom's a little kookoo and leaves her with her old teacher instead of her new one) I hear "ABBY!!!". And Gabby upon hearing this screams "MEGAN!!" and takes off to go to her. So they smile say hi, hug. And start talking their special language. Megan is all "gibbery gooky gibbery" pointing at Gabby's shirt/sweater. And Gabby's all like *nodding* "bable gibbery gib". They then grab hands and look at me like "OK lead on!". The teacher was like Megan are you going with Gabby to your class and she's all "Right on woman I am". They are so cute together. They share food love to play. I can't wait till I can bring Megan home for a sleep over! Yeah. So there. I'll try to remember to write again tomorrow!! |
posted by Tc @ 5:17 PM   |
2/23/2005 |
On a side note.... |
MOMMY'S GIRL: GABBY I have the sweetest and most considerate 2 year old. I told her Mommy's sick and she goes and gets me 2 blankets (really she pulled out the bumper and the skirt to her old crib set but its the thought that counts). It is soooo amazing how fast she is growing. The night before last Alex was giving me a foot rub and Gabby just had to have one too. I now know the fastest way to get her to sleep. That was tooooooo cute! |
posted by Tc @ 3:37 PM   |
Wheeeezeeeeee...Gasp |
Well you haven't heard from me in a few days. How is everyone fairing? Gabby got to spend Saturday with Grandma and Great Grandma and had a blast. Alex and I ended up going out to Cudade (yeah I don't know how to spell it its City in Spanish) and will never do that again. They charged me $23 for the smallest piece of Salmon I have ever seen, and other than the salmon all that was on my plate was a lot of sauce. Yeah they sucked. May I never become rich to the point where I think that places like that are the only places to eat. And then??? We went and saw Bad Education with Mr. Sexy Eyes. That has got to be his best movie to date. When the movie finishes you are left with such confused and conflicting emotions. *EEEEEEEK* I love it!! And if you talk to Alex and he's all "It was soo explicit" Smile and nod. The worst you see is a bum. But honestly if homosexuality makes you squirm, pass on this movie. For those of you up for a very good subtitled movie visit Angelika Theaters web page for the times its playing.
But through it all I was sick. I started to feel bad Friday night. And it just kept escalating, and I just kept ignoring it. Sunday late afternoon we went to the park with Gabby and played for a few hours. Monday I felt real bad and kicked Alex and Gabby out with orders to go get lunch and go to the park, after they got home I would ask him to feel my head and ask him if I was dying. The answer went some thing like " Yes/No (on again off again fever) you hot. *chuckle* No your not dying." Forced to forego Manda's dinner. Which sucked cause I wanted to go. Got up Tuesday with every intent of going to work. Got up at 5:30 showered and proceeded to sit on the couch zoning out to TCM, called both my boss and moaned around 6 - 6:30 to tell them that I won't be in. Go to the DR. Here I am fearing pneumonia, nooooo, it can't be something easy like that. No I have an Bronchidal-Upper Respitory infection that woke up my 20 YEARS dormant asthma. Yeah. I suck. I get a breathing treatment and learn that I am soooooooo not coordinated the whole breath in the mouth out the nose was really tripping me up. So now I'm on the Z pack and a purple asthma preventive medicine and Musinex. I've barely eaten since I got sick I'm lucky if I get a meal a day in. I just have NOOOOOOOOO energy. But I am feeling a little better and maybe tonight I won't wake up having to tell myself to slow down breathing. |
posted by Tc @ 3:10 PM   |