And it's Manda's fault. This post is going to require audience participation.
I need a show of hands for how many people have NOT read any of the Anne books. Seeing the movies does not count. See..... Other than Dragons Milk the Anne Books are my favorite from my not so child childhood. And well while I still like Dragons Milk I LOVE the Anne books. And I just can not fathom a girl having never made Anne's acquaintance. I, I just, don't get it. The language is not difficult. And the imagery is so strong that I keep thinking that I've seen parts of the books in the movies, but they weren't, they were just in my head. See, they are books that are so dear to me that I consider Anne a friend and secretly I'm still waiting for my very own Gilbert Blythe to come save me. So be honest. Have you read them? Which is your favorite. Did you feel cheated when you finished Rilla of Ingleside, and yet could not have thought of a better ending? Do you still love the movies but sit there shaking your head going "this just isn't right"? Do you have a book(s) that move you as much as these move me? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Did ya'll notice the new Pretend Boyfriend off to the left? Starting next month I'm going to have a Pretend Boyfriend of the Month Poll. So yay we'll have even more audience participation! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seriously? I think the only person who has responded that read the books as been Sleeping Mommy. I think that I'm going to write to Santa and let him know that we have some deprived girls. Poor Gabby will not be receiving Mommy's copies of the Anne books since, well most of them are held together with tape. But she at least sits still for a moment if I start reading the book out loud to her. (There is hope the TV will not win my child) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dina I'm so happy for you and Katy!! I failed to ask, what did she think of the bananas she was eating? |