100_3069 Originally uploaded by ♥One Perfect Something♥.
Today we go to Chicago, and I enter computer silence untill we get home.
On a side note completely unrelated, I had a dream that I was dating some guy (ok that was a little strong more like heavy flirting and number exchanging) that looks like Desmond on Lost. I think that is a hint that I am going through Lost withdrawls. I will have to watch some Dexter and Lost when I get home. :)
I hope everyone is doing good and all!
Hugs to Stacy! How about trying to get together Saturday night, Sunday or Monday? (Saturday and Sunday depend on if Alex wants to have Gabby spend the night)
Hugs Dina and Katy I hope you are both feeling better!
Send all the Good Vibes to my Aunt Debbie she had her Gall Bladder removed yesterday!
Hugs to everyone!!
I have all my WI pictures uploaded on flickr --->
One of my very very favorites is from the Zoo. I got an amazing shot of a Lion! A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! |