1/16/2009 |
All I'm going to say |
I'm still having dreams that the baby is a boy. |
posted by Tc @ 6:07 PM   |
1/15/2009 |
OMG it's the dreaded GD word. |
Oh yeah the GD word.
You know.
Gestational Diabetes.
So apparently I FAILED. There is a part of me that is not surprised, and yet yeah I kinda am.
So far I have gained a total of 3lbs with this pregnancy (I'm not sure of the Dr's math on this one but whatever.) since I would gain one lose two kinda thing.
And am I the only one kinda weirded out by the lack of gain. And yes I understand that I started this well padded and have massive reserves already, but still.
So I have my first appointment Tuesday Morning before my actual Dr. Appointment.
And also, I appear to finally need maternity work pants. Last week no problems at all, this week I got dressed and went to button up and pretty much said Oh Shit. But I can't complain to much. I mean I just now need maternity work pants and I'm what 29 going on 30 weeks (I think. I seem to forget this often) in other words 7 months pregnant.
And OMG do I ever feel 7 months pregnant. It's stopped being funny that I need help getting off the couch, or you know sitting up and ect... however from the look on Alex's face it is still funny from the viewers perspective.
And please don't mind me if I ramble.
Also I have caught myself calling the Baby Gabby when she kicks hard. So Apparently I am having a bit of a time already separating them.
Heaven help me.
I miss seeing my feet. Not that, you know, I looked at them often but it was nice to have that option.
I also desperately miss being able reach my own toes to you know paint.
All very minor things. But still.
Can I be done soon?
Please? |
posted by Tc @ 6:07 PM   |