Yoooo hoooo!! All you Coo Coo for Coco Puffs need to take a chill pill.
I don't get the whole controversy surrounding the Da Vinci Code. There is a page at the beginning of the book called the "Fact Page" it tells you what is fact, I don't remember all of it but basically documents, rituals, organization, artwork, and architecture in the novel all exist. And really would it have been such a bad thing if Jesus had a wife? He was human after all. *no hate mail about the whole Son of God thing. Got it thanks*
Really do we need all these books NitPicking this work of fiction, showing us what he got wrong, mis-interpreted or made up?
Just get a grip my lovely little Coo Coo's and move on.
I need a show of hands. How many people were upset with the season finale of Grey's Anatomy? Poor Lizzy. I want him back too.
Tonight is the 2hr Season Finale of Boston Legal. *eeek* I really hope that it's not how it looks. I really hope Allan Shore is not going to boink "The Squid". Ewwwwwwwww!!! I'm excited Michael J. Fox is back. HE'S NOT DEAD (on the show) *dances*
Tomorrow is an all new episode of Lost then their 2hr Season Finale is next Wed (I believe) ------------------------------------------------------------------
I have a quote for my move that isn't as painful as others only like 290-300 as opposed to the 400-490 I had been quoted by other places. Also I just ordered some boxes and packing supplies (free shipping for everyone!!) and I should get those on Friday :)
I think that's about it.
Toodles!! |